Electric Blue 1 (1979). Electric Blue series. Film directed by Adam Cole. Featuring Shauna Grant, Marilyn Chambers, Fiona Richmond and Long Dong Silver. US produced, 1979. Classic, Adult feature Film, Sexy Girls, Solo, Masturbation, Hardcore Sex. With audio.
This series is from a lost era – the pre-cert days of erotica. Be cautious – some of the items linked to from IMDb’s listing are a much later release, (for instance the model file, or “Best of”) and are unlikely to be as explicit as the originals. If you can find them, the uncut series up until about #16 are worth having, but the videos tended to deteriorate after about 13, as more and more American useless, unfunny, unerotic filler material was inserted. 17 to 24 are just about OK, but with increasing amounts of junk, and considerably tamer once certification came in. But the first 13, these are quite special – high quality, splendid looking models, – interesting clips from movies, and really something of the like that hasn’t been made since.